On 02/23, Michael Scheidell wrote:
> >http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-delany-nullmx-00
> >
> read the rfc again.  missing mx is not NULL mx.

Also, that's a *draft*, not an accepted standard.

And I'm curious if you are asking the question you mean to.  What exactly
is the way postfix checks this?  Specifically, I'm wondering if you're
referring to reject_unknown_client, which I've used for years, and which
does not use MX addresses.  

I don't know of an option to reject an email because the sending domain
has no MX record.  As has been said, the standards require then delivering
email to the A record for the domain.  I don't know how common this is
among legit mail servers, but I've certainly seen it.

I think the function of the null MX idea is provided by SPF?  

"The most elementary and valuable statement in science, the beginning
of wisdom is: 'I do not know'." - Data, ST:TNG 2x2 Where Silence Has Lease

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