Hello Matus UHLAR - fantomas,

Am 2011-05-12 09:06:10, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> On 11.05.11 19:30, Joe Sniderman wrote:
> > We do something similar, except that the maximum number of recipients
> > per envelope we set at 1.  The second and all subsequent get a 4yz error
> > during RCPT. We perform this after greylisting, ie:
> Are you aware that this violates RFC standard?

Which RFC?  Limiting the "recipients per envelope" is legitim.

> You can not expect that when you violate it, others will behave at your
> needs. For example, I would imediately try other MX server when sending
> mail and not continue with DATA.

I get per day arround 26.000.000 spams on my courier-proxys and if I  do
not limit the  number  "recipients per envelope"  I  would  receive  per
second 300 spams.

Note:  80% of the spams are rejected on SMTP Level without invoking SA.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ######################
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