On 11/28, Sergio wrote:
>    in your opinion, what it will be the best RBL Anti Spam list that could
>    not be left in a server, payed or free?

All the best known RBLs are enabled in spamassassin by default.

You may get more useful suggestions if you provide several example spam
emails using something like http://pastebin.com/

I've been working on some tips to improve spamassassin's accuracy here:

The best RBL, according to spamassassin's RuleQA, is SpamHaus XBL
http://www.spamhaus.org/xbl/ which is part of ZEN
http://www.spamhaus.org/zen/ and enabled in spamassassin by default (the
rule is RCVD_IN_XBL).  

Most of the time when data is publicly available from an RBL, the
spamassassin developers will test it via masscheck and RuleQA.  If it's
useful, it gets added to the default ruleset published via saupdate.  

If there are better blocklists that are not used by spamassassin, please
open a bug to have it evaluated.  Even if the data is not freely available,
it would be useful to list on the spamassassin wiki.

All rules, including those for blacklists (which generally start with
RCVD_IN_) are sorted from best to worst here:

Warren Togami (a spamassassin developer)
occasionally provides excellent reviews of RBLs here:

Actually, that reminds me, there is one RBL that hasn't been added to the
default rule set yet because it hasn't been decided how to score it:
RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_BL.  Warren links to instructions to use it, although I
think the suggested scores may be high.  The bug to add it to SA:

"...this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down,
but the staying down." - Mary Pickford

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