On 11/28/2011 1:55 PM, dar...@chaosreigns.com wrote:
> If there are better blocklists that are not used by spamassassin, please
> open a bug to have it evaluated.  Even if the data is not freely available,
> it would be useful to list on the spamassassin wiki.


I'd love to have the invaluement blacklists included in such
evaluations. However, we are about to implement our largest
hardware/software upgrades ever. So it would be ideal to start such
inclusion in January, after the upgrades are completed and associated
bugs are fixed. (we're moving to 64-bit hardware and, where possible,
64-bit software!)

I had thought that, at some point in the past,  I was told that only
freely available DNSBLs would be included in such testing? But if I'm
wrong or that has since changed, I'd welcome the opportunity to participate.

Rob McEwen

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