On 11/29/2011 10:48 AM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

You are likely correct you were told that. However, speaking on behalf of the project, the mess of differing licenses and limits for RBLs and related projects has been very difficult to define a one-size fits all answer to the question of testing.

What we want to avoid is becoming a advertising for a company or leading administrators to use a product that isn't free.

So please open a bug about the testing and we can discuss it there. RBLs for mass-check testing have to be approved and added in a way that ensures they aren't published. I can't say we will approve it for testing, etc. but as mentioned, we don't mind the documentation and it creates a good record in case you decide to change your licensing (or whatever) might be a hangup.

After that, whether the rules are included by default and or enabled by default is another debate that has to do with licensing, etc.

Speaking as an administrator (and an Invalument user, for whatever that's worth) I'd love to see paid products included, at least to some extent.

While I fully understand and agree with the desire to avoid becoming part of a commercial product's advertising, for those of us that do already use a particular product, it would be great to have more information when it comes to setting scores.

Dave Warren, CEO
Hire A Hit Consulting Services

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