On 02/08, email builder wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a server where I never customized any of the SA
> rules/tests (SA v.3.3.1).  The server does run sa-update
> every day.  Is this the right place to look to know what
> tests the server should be running?
> https://spamassassin.apache.org/tests_3_0_x.html

At the top of that page, it says "Tests Performed: v3.0.x" which is not the
version you are running.  https://spamassassin.apache.org/tests_3_3_x.html
contains tests for 3.3.  I don't know when they get updated, maybe only
when 3.3.0 was released.  I wouldn't trust it much.

Run: sa-update -D 2>&1| grep DIR

That will output something like:

Feb  9 12:08:49.609 [20855] dbg: generic: Perl 5.010001, PREFIX=/usr, 
DEF_RULES_DIR=/usr/share/spamassassin, LOCAL_RULES_DIR=/etc/spamassassin, 

On this system, sa-update downloads rules to /var/lib/spamassassin, so I
guess you're looking for the LOCAL_STATE_DIR.

That directory will contain a directory related to your SA version,
something like 3.003001, which will contain updates_spamassassin_org, which
will contain the files defining all the rules.  

Although that doesn't necessarily tell you which are enabled by default.
Some require configuration changes.

I believe for SPF you *should* be doing the detecting at your MTA
(mail server software) and inserting a header for spamassassin to use:
Received-SPF.  (Because SPF is supposed to use the "envelope from",
which is not necessarily included in a header.)

> From that page, it seems that SPF checks are normal
> but DKIM is not. Is this right?
> Contrary to that, this page suggests that DKIM test are
> enabled by default in version 3.3:
> https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/Plugin/DKIM

I don't have anything in my /etc/spamassassin/local.cf related to DKIM, and
I'm getting DKIM rule hits, so I agree that DKIM is enabled by default
(although I'm running trunk / v3.4.0 which is unreleased).

I believe SPF tests are also enabled by default, but won't do quite the
right thing unless you're inserting the Received-SPF header at your MTA.

> Also, where can I look to verify the tests/rules currently
> in place on the server?  (per-user rules are not implemented)
> I looked in /usr/share/spamassassin and there are a few
> files with "spf" and "dkim" in their names.  Does that
> mean those tests are active?

Using the official Debian / Ubuntu packages, that directory contains the
rules installed by the spamassassin package, which are only used if you do
not run sa-update.  Which would obviously be sub-optimal.

> ls *spf*
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3100 Mar 15  2010 25_spf.cf
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3584 Mar 15  2010 60_whitelist_spf.cf
> ls *dkim*
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4407 Mar 15  2010 25_dkim.cf
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9288 Mar 15  2010 60_adsp_override_dkim.cf
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6455 Mar 15  2010 60_whitelist_dkim.cf

Those are related, although their presence doesn't indicate anything about

None of the SPF or DKIM rules are particularly highly ranked in
spamassassin rule QA, so I wouldn't actually expect significant
improvements in accuracy from it:
They both have some substantial flaws.  

"Every man, woman and child on the face of this earth is at the mercy
of chaos." - a maxwell smart movie

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