Q: Will some rules not fire if some condition exists based on other rules?

A: Correct.  There are plenty of rules that build on other rules.  We call these
meta rules.

On 15.02.12 16:08, email builder wrote:
Q: Are there any default rules as supplied by sa-update that would
prevent SPF rules from firing?

you can disable SPF or clear all scores
Q: Any other ideas on how to learn what rules are actually being used?


Q: Any suggestions as to why SPF rules would not fire on a
Gmail message where Gmail uses SPF, my SPF plugin and rule
initiation seem to be in place, and a Return-Path header with the
envelope from address exists?  (please see my previous messages
on this thread)

I haven't found the headers in apache archive, maybe I didn't search carefully enough, but it's misconfigured trusted_networks and internal_networks what causes SPF to misfire...
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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