>>> On 4/19/2013 at 6:35 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk> wrote:
>>>>> On 4/19/2013 at 12:06 AM, John Hardin <jhar...@impsec.org> wrote:
>>> BAYES_50 is the bayes classifier's way of saying "insufficient data" or "I
>>> don't know".
>>> Do you really want to assign 3 points for "I don't know"?
> On 19.04.13 06:09, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:
>>In this case, from the samples I've seen.   Absolutely, yes.
> as I said, the problem is that your BAYES database does not have enough of
> spam/ham samples. You have to feed it, not to increase score for BAYES_50.
> With your logic you can give high score to any other rule that hits, e.g.

Well, I *could* do a lot of things.  And have.  (See these scars?)

>>For me, this last few days, I have seen lots of missed spam that has
>> virtually nothing else to trigger on.
> do you have network checks enabled? Plugins allowed? packages installed?
> blacklist, uribl?
> razor, pyzor, DCC, they all need plugins and installed clients.

I have to check.   I set this up a while ago cron'd up feeding BAYES and such
and sat back.

> Do you have your trusted_networks and internal_networks properly set?

>>Been so irritated by this I considered giving it a 5.0.   But, even for me,
>> that's over the top.
> If you receive many spam with BAYES_50, there's something wrong with your
> BAYES database, even disabling could behave better (but training would do
> much better.

I have suspected such, but . . .

> What output does the command "sa-learn --dump magic" produce?
> -- 

0.000          0          3          0  non-token data: bayes db version
0.000          0       1872          0  non-token data: nspam
0.000          0       9184          0  non-token data: nham
0.000          0     140303          0  non-token data: ntokens
0.000          0 1364766063          0  non-token data: oldest atime
0.000          0 1366368683          0  non-token data: newest atime
0.000          0 1366367890          0  non-token data: last journal sync atime
0.000          0 1366146116          0  non-token data: last expiry atime
0.000          0    1382400          0  non-token data: last expire atime delta
0.000          0      26360          0  non-token data: last expire reduction 

joe a.

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