Am 2014-04-30 14:30, schrieb Mark Martinec:
I agree that a DMARC SpamAssassin plugin would be valuable.
Michael Storz wrote:
How about implementing it in Amavisd-new in addition (I couldn't
resist to ask here too :-)

I think it more naturally fits into SpamAssassin, contributing
to the final score on equal terms with other rules. Also, the bayes
auto-learning in SpamAssassin works best when called from SpamAssassin with the final score results - calling it from amavisd would be a hack.

Although amavis does handle DKIM by itself (and passes validation
results to SpamAssassin, thus avoiding duplicate work and possible
breakage due to truncated large mail), it does not know anything
about SPF, and I have no desire to deal with SPF there.



I think we have to differentiate between a short and a long term solution. At the moment we need a SA solution, because of all the false positives. But in the future when all of the web forms and mailing lists have been forced to change to a DMARC conformant way of sending emails, a lot of domain owners will publish DMARC reject policies (I already got such request from our customers at least for functional accounts like postmaster, webmaster, support etc. after some very convincing phishing mails with such addresses landed in the inboxes of their users). At that point I think it makes more sense to handle DMARC in amavis than SA, because it will be a hard decision between accepting and rejecting (DMARC-wise) and I hope it will be faster too (we use prequeue filter). Checking of the "accepted" emails if they are ham or spam is then the work of SA and could result in a reject because of spaminess.

If amavis would support DMARC now, I already would let it handle Paypal, Facebook and some other senders of transactional emails. I am seeing very few false positives for this kind of emails.

And thanks for the DKIM support. Without it we would not have switched to preque filtering. DKIM gives us the possibility to whitelist most ESP emails. Therefore a good amount of traffic will not hit SA, which gives us a consistant result for this kind of emails. However, ESP emails will be marked, therefore users have a third category of email (ham, spam, esp) for their filters.


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