On Sat, 2014-05-24 at 00:34 +0200, Axb wrote:
> On 05/24/2014 12:23 AM, Martin Gregorie wrote:
> > This afternoon I ran into two oddities. I haven't noticed the first in
> > the past and have never seen the second before.
> >
> > 1) Missing DCC_CHECK rule
> > =========================
> install and enable DCC in the .pre file or ignore.
Thanks for the advice: I don't need DCC, so I'll simply ignore it.
> > 2 Failure of spamc/spamd to output any X-Spam headers
> > =====================================================
> Depending on what you have in your local.cf X headers may or not be added.
The only stuff that I changed in local.cf was typos in local rules and
"CVS diff config/local.cf" agreed that I didn't accidentally change
anything else. 

In case you're wondering about that pathname, my local.cf master copy
lives in a normal development directory, sa_test. I prefix and tests by
running a script that copies everything in config
to /etc/mail/spamassassin and then runs 'spamassassin -D lint' against


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