On Sat, 2014-05-24 at 05:04 +0200, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:
> On Sat, 2014-05-24 at 03:28 +0100, Martin Gregorie wrote:
> > On Sat, 2014-05-24 at 02:36 +0200, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:
> > I've looked down the list a couple of times and didn't see anything I
> > thought would affect it due to a possibly bad assumption that this sort
> > of error would be insulated from the underlying binary code by at least
> > one layer of Perl library code.
> Plain spamassassin script works, spamc/d combination does not. Nope,
> this is not necessarily related to any Perl code.

> Looking through the full list of upgraded packages, the two SELinux
> related ones stick out. In particular, since the client / server
> environment is affected, but not the standalone variant of calling the
> majority of shared SA Perl code.
SELinux shouldn't be an issue as its running in Permissive, Targeted
mode and it hasn't flagged up any warnings.
> > > By "started it", do you mean starting the daemon simply for that test,
> > > or did you ping spamd after launching your dev test rig?
> > 
> > Yes, I meant starting it. As I said, this problem surfaced on the box I
> > use for SA rules development, actually a Lenovo laptop. Consequently SA
> > only runs on it during a rules test: all my test scripts are written to
> > start spamd, run the test and stop it.
> > 
> > > Clean room vs. production conditions...
> > 
> > Yes, exactly.
> Nah. I was talking about the difference in your test (manually starting
> spamd) and the environment observed to fail (your dev test rig script).
Should be the same as live operation: my scripts use systemctl to start
spamd as a systemd-managed service, so spamd is running as root. ps
reports the commend line as 

  /bin/spamd -d -c -m5 -H -r /var/run/spamd.pid

> Unrelated to the problem at hand, but Fedora 18 and Fedora 20 does not
> account for "as near to identical" as reasonably possible.
Sure, but when I set up the test environment I made sure that spamd was
always started the same way as it would be in a live environment: the
only difference is that its only running when I have testing to do. In
any case this is a bit of a blind alley since the testing system was
working just as I expected it to yesterday morning and then, after the
yum upgrade the unmodified test system no longer worked that way.

LATER: This morning I reran some failing examples after rebooting the
test machine. No change, so I tried a few stripped-down runs, i.e. I
started spamd via a test script that uses systemctl to start or stop it
and then used "spamc <testmessage" to exercise it while I played round
with spamc options. In the course of this I noticed a strange effect:

The FIRST message after restarting spamd never has X-Spam headers, but
the second and subsequent ones do have X-Spam headers.

I'm running these versions:

$ spamd --version
SpamAssassin Server version 3.3.2
  running on Perl 5.18.2
  with SSL support (IO::Socket::SSL 1.955)
  with zlib support (Compress::Zlib 2.062)
$ spamc --version
SpamAssassin Client version 3.2.4

Should the spamc/spamd version mismatch have any bad effects?

The only SA package I have installed is spamassassin.i686 3.3.2-56.fc20
which came from atrpms. This is odd, since all the uninstalled packages
(spamass-milter, spamass-milter-postfix, spamassassin-FuzzyOcr,
spamassassin-iXhash2, spambayes, spampd, spamprobe.i686) are from Fedore
repositories as you'd expect. Removing and reinstalling the spamassassin
package has had no effect.

I'll take this up with RedHat next week and see if I can find out why
they no longer provide the main spamassassin package in their


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