> I looked at Lunarpages and what control you have over SA. I can only see
> that you can change the score and populate a whitelist and blacklist. I
> maybe wrong (I don't think I am) but that is nowhere near enough
> administrative control to make an impact on changing SA's behaviour. I
> don't see anyway to train SA (sa-learn) to know what is really spam. If
> you want to take control, you are probably going to have to go somewhere
> else. I have my own website and email processing just because I haven't
> found a place where I can actually control all the various aspects of
> running a website/email.
> I wish you luck but I think you are not going to get much further with
> spam with the environment you are in. You have a difficult decision ahead
> with many options. I wish you success but don't get down on SA because of
> the lack of tools given to you.

I'm snipping out alot of Robert's response, and not bothering recopying
others, but I just wanted to thank everyone again for their responses on
this. I am passing along the relevent opinions (WITHOUT passing along your
names or emails) to Lunarpages. I hope this will help convince them to do
something. And you're right. I should not be bashing Spam Assassin. But
neither should Lunarpages! I suppose their argument is something like "hey
we give this to you for free, what more do you want?".

As for me going elsewhere, I think my best option at this point is to just
go back to the "old" way of using my own client software on my computer.
And find one with a strong filter of its own. Anyone have any good results
with Firefox Thunderbird?


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