the cpanel controls only offer me raising or lowering the spam score and
whitelist or blacklist.

they did mention in a much previous email that i should turn on "dkim" but
i have no idea what or where it is. it's certainly not in my SA controls.

Axb suggested going with MX. I've certainly considered it. But I have two
problems with the decision: they're not making at all clear that it would
actually BE better, especially when they are saying, as an excuse about
spam in general "people change, technology changes", they're not offering
much of a guarantee. also, $1.25/month does sound like a bargain, but when
I realize that I've certainly costed them $$hundreds in all the time we've
spent talking about it, and probably other people in a similar situation,
why not just throw out SA and "upgrade" everyone?

If they aren't managing SA all that well, or at all, I could see spending
the $18/year as throwing money out the window and getting nowhere.

I dunno. Anyway, again, I was more curious to anyone's reaction about how
they view SA. I guess it's clear that they COULD manage it better but
they're refusing to do so.

On Sun, August 10, 2014 7:53 am, John Hardin wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Aug 2014, Andy wrote:
>> And then here is the response I received from Lunarpages
> {snip}
>> it's pretty clear that we have no control over such issues and apart
>> from recommendation to tighten the Spam Assassin blacklist locally or
>> use the commercial spam filter we offer MXLogic for $1.25 per email
>> account per month
> Call me cynical, but the fact that they are also offering a paid
> anti-spam solution suggests they probably aren't going to do much for you
> to get SA tuned beyond simply installing it and ensuring that it does, in
> fact, scan your emails.
> They did mention CPanel. I'm not familiar with the details, perhaps
> someone else can say: how much rule customization and such does the CPanel
>  interface support?
> --
> John Hardin KA7OHZ          
>    FALaholic #11174     pgpk -a key:
> 0xB8732E79 -- 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C  AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Think Microsoft cares about your needs at all?
> "A company wanted to hold off on upgrading Microsoft Office for a
> year in order to do other projects. So Microsoft gave a 'free' copy of the
> new Office to the CEO -- a copy that of course generated errors for anyone
> else in the firm reading his documents. The CEO got tired of getting the
> 'please re-send in XX format' so he
> ordered other projects put on hold and the Office upgrade to be top
> priority."                                    -- Cringely, 4/8/2004
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 5 days until the 69th anniversary of the end of World War II

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