On 08/10/2014 04:30 PM, Andy wrote:
Therefore since we cannot control the Spam Assassin global blacklists it's
pretty clear that we have no control over such issues and apart from
recommendation to tighten the Spam Assassin blacklist locally or use the
commercial spam filter we offer MXLogic for $1.25 per email account per
month there is nothing more we can do to prevent such issues considering
the fact that your email is indeed harvested and among the first to reach
the spam lists and the fact that Spam Assassin is open source software
that is offered via a third party panel not controlled in any way.

suppressing a lot of irrelevant blah from Lunarpages - not worth discussing.

bottom line is that you can't tune SA yourself so you're left to their mercy. If their service justifies 1.25/mo for better filtering by MXLogic (which is a well know filtering service) I'd go for it.

Whatever you can do yourself will cost more than that, in time, energy and wasted quality of life.

IF you don't want to spend the extra, find someother place to host our mail.

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