Alex wrote:

> The only response my ISP will give is to turn on their spam filtering. I tried that. > In about a 2 hour time frame, over 400 messages were blocked as spam. Of those less
> than 10 were actually spam, the rest were from various lists.
> So having them censoring my incoming mail isn't gonna work, but neither will
> the reject the obvious invalid domain email.
   Spamassassin wouldn't get things so wrong, in my experience.
I have spamassassin on my end and it rarely has a false positive. I don't know what they use, but it certainly wasn't well configured on their "recommended setting"
where it had a very high false positive rate.

You're posting to this list because I assume you know your provider is using spamassassin.
The start of filtering out spam is filtering out mail that doesn't have a valid return address -- it's not valid email. I'm stuck because my ISP won't filter it out, I have to download it to find out that it's invalid, then local sendmail rejects it, so it stays in their box.

Perhaps you can filter on the SA headers in the emails, before running your scripts?

Dump the spam, and only forward on the good email.
I have the end node -- so I have to take everything they give to filter out the spam.

I was wondering if anyone had any experience in showing their ISP "the light"...
Oh well....

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