On Monday 09 November 2015 at 16:23:52, Phil Reynolds wrote:

> On Mon, 9 Nov 2015 15:11:16 +0100 Antony Stone wrote:
> > 
> > What are the ownership & permissions on:
> > 
> > /var/mail/,spamassassin
> Tried root.root and debian-spamd.debian.spamd, 755.

What did Jessie install it as?

> > /var/mail/.spamassassin/user_prefs
> Not there at all.

Have you tried creating it, to let spamd look in it?

> > and which user does spamassassin run as on your system?
> root - which I'm slightly surprised at.

How did you identify this?

> > How is spamassassin being called in order to give its opinion on
> > email?
> exim is calling it. The results also appear in syslog.

1. I seriously doubt that on a Debian system exim is running as root.

What do you see in the first column of output from "ps aux | grep exim"?

2. It sounds like we're talking slightly at cross-purposes here.  Exim may be 
calling spamassassin (PS: how?), but that's not spamd, providing a network 
service to other machines.

What do you see in the first column of output from "ps aux | grep spamd"?


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