El día Tuesday, November 24, 2015 a las 05:08:20PM +0100, Reindl Harald 

> i dunno why the OP is fetching his mail from his ISP and then feed 
> spamassassin with the mails local,

WHy you dunno this? My mail must arrive somewhere, from where I can
fetch it with fetchmail+imap when I'm online  again with my FreeBSD netbook or
my Ubuntu mobile phone. Fetchmail feeds the mail locally to sendmail,
and this via procmail to spamd; and at the end it arrives in
/var/mail/guru from where I read it with the MUA mutt. What is wrong
with this procedure? This is doing fine for years now. The spamd in the
above pipeline is new, because I'm tired of SPAM. We used spamassassin
years ago in my company and I just set it now up on my netbook. It
filters away nearly all SPAM since bayes is trained enough now.

> *but* he does and the received header 
> of the ISP is the reason RDNS_NONE is triggered for *every* mail

Exactly. I was asking me (and the list) why all got RDNS_NONE fired, and
now we know it: ISP's fault.


Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, 🌐 http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ 

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