On 2016-05-26 10:08, Reindl Harald wrote:
how often where you asked to stop post HTML mails?
and yes, rules are made by people asked for help

I try, but I use multiple machines and don't always remember which I've set explicitly to use plain text. In theory I've set up something in the shared address book which should have forced plain test on all machines I use. There must be another setting interfering with it or something else but it is something I have to investigate. I can only do that when it is pointed out that it is not working. Thanks for pointing it out.

Please don't treat me like a numpty. I am not. Head over to the ClearOS forums and look for nickh and see how I respond to all sorts of people from beginners upwards asking for help.

Am 26.05.2016 um 08:17 schrieb Nick Howitt:
On 26/05/2016 00:29, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 25.05.2016 um 21:58 schrieb Nick Howitt:
and what is the problem run a local unbound on port 1053 and just add "dns_server []:1053" to your SA-configuration when one thinks
he is capable to run his own servers?
I've tried looking and failed. Any chance of pointing me to where this
is documented?


 port: 1053

dns_server []:1053


Seriously, yes. I'd found and set up unbound OK, if you'd read another
of my posts. I had not found it for SA. Not good searching, but I had
not - and I'd tried a few of the links on google and the some man pages.

jesus christ *i posted* you the setting and you even quoted it above

sorry, i can not hand holding more and usually it's required to be not
completly helpless if you think you are capable to running a server

OK, I've been heavily shot at for my set up which is totally irrelevant
to the question I posed and not a pleasant experience. Is there any
possibility of some help with the problem I posted about?

like above with the SA-setting *you do not read* what others are
answering - you are likely on the wrong mailing-list because you are
runnung *AMAVIS* which is not a pure spamassassin and can skip SA
based on several settings
I get the drift. SA is perfect and has no bugs so it is not worth doing any diagnostics. The people on the amavis lists will acknowledge this and assume, therefore, that it is their product causing the issue. There is no chance that the amavis people will say it is an SA issue.

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