On Thu, 7 Jul 2016 10:03:37 -0500
Lorenzo Thurman wrote:

> > On Jul 7, 2016, at 8:14 AM, Antony Stone
> > <antony.st...@spamassassin.open.source.it> wrote:

> > There's a big difference between subdomains, and domains with
> > letters in front of "microsoft".
> > 
> > \.microsoft\.com$ will match anything ending in ".microsoft.com"
> > 
> > That means it will match www.microsoft.com and cdn.microsoft.com
> > for example, but it will not match
> > kajsdhfkjasghdskghlaskfhmicrosoft.com or onmicrosoft.com
> > 
> > The dot in front of "microsoft" in the regex is important :)

> Great, thanks. 

You can't use a regex in a whitelisting entry.

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