On 09/05/2016 09:21 PM, John Hardin wrote:
On Mon, 5 Sep 2016, Ian Zimmerman wrote:

I want to use RP_MATCHES_RCVD in a meta rule.  I thought I'd check its
definition before I plunged in and wrote any code, so I grepped in
/usr/share/spamassassin where all the original rules seem to live on my
system (debian jessie).  But all the hits are either for
__RP_MATCHES_RCVD (which I assume is an internal rule not to be used by
outsiders) or for T_RP_MATCHES_RCVD.

__RP_MATCHES_RCVD is a "subrule", a match that is not scored and which
is intended for use in meta-rules. You *do* want to use that in your
local meta rule.

That rule is defined as:

   header      __RP_MATCHES_RCVD      eval:check_mailfrom_matches_rcvd()

...which means you'd need to go digging around in the perl code to find
out what it's doing.

Basically, it's a check that the return-path (the SMTP "MAIL FROM"
envelope value, if available) matches a received header in the message.

Since I have seen other rules in results with the T_ prefix (for example
T_DKIM_INVALID) I think it must be some kind of convention with an
accepted meaning.  What is this conventional meaning, and how do these
rules relate to the ones without the T_ prefix?

As others have said, they are "test" rules. They are rules that don't
perform well enough in masscheck to be published with meaningful scores,
or are explicitly marked or named for testing, but which can't be
omitted, probably due to another meta rule in the sandbox that does
perform well enough to publish depending on them.

72_scores.cf published by sa-update sets a score:
score RP_MATCHES_RCVD                       -1.152 -1.653 -1.152 -1.653

In what file do you see T_RP_MATCHES_RCVD ?

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