On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Johan Corveleyn <jcor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [ Putting the list back in cc. Please use reply-all to keep the list
> in the loop. Also, please try not to top-post (i.e. put your reply
> inline or below the thing you're replying to). More below ...]
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 9:24 PM, Daniela Rivas <eri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Johan
>> In the working copy I have this
>> usuario@prueba:~/prueba3$ svn status
>> M      trunk/index.html
>> I modified the file index.html and i would like to update this change
>> to the repository in another machine
>> I am using svn, version 1.5.1 (r32289) in both server and client. I
>> had the server in english and the client in spanish. I use debian
>> lenny and apache2
>> usuario@prueba:~/prueba3$ svn ci
>> Enviando       trunk/index.html
>> Transmitiendo contenido de archivos .
>> Commit de la revisión 5.
>> I am running this from the root of the working copy
>> I am using http.
>> I think i am missing something else
> The above seems fine to me, from a "commit to the repository"
> standpoint. As far as I can see, this change was successfully
> committed to the repository. If you're not sure about that, you can
> see the exact contents of index.html as it is in the repository with
> the "svn cat" command:
>    svn cat https://url/to/trunk/index.html
> But what do you mean with "i would like to update this change to the
> repository in another machine"? Do you mean that you want to see this
> change in another working copy on another machine, after you update
> that other working copy? And that's not what's happening when you
> update that other working copy?
> If so, you should also show us the exact command you're executing on
> that other working copy to perform the update, and the exact output of
> that command. Other than that, the output of "svn info" on the parent
> dir of index.html in that other working copy would be useful
> information.
> Cheers,
> Johan

Hi I'm back

When I did svn cat
I got this "svn: El servidor envió un valor de devolución inesperado
(405 Method Not Allowed) en respuesta al requerimiento PROPFIND para
'/trunk/index.html' "

 I mean that i have the working copy and the repository in different
machines. So the thing that I want to get is if I modify the working
copy, get the changes in the repository too.


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