On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 8:17 PM, Ryan Schmidt
<subversion-20...@ryandesign.com> wrote:
> On Jan 19, 2011, at 13:18, Daniela Rivas wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
>>> Ryan Schmidt wrote on Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 16:59:33 -0600:
>>>> On Jan 18, 2011, at 16:02, Daniela Rivas wrote:
>>>>> Ok the correct repository URL was
>>>>> http://localhost/prueba/trunk/index.html, so when I execute in a
>>>>> browser http://localhost/prueba/trunk/index.html, I get the first
>>>>> version of the file that i had, without seeing the changes that i did
>>>>> to the working copy, however the number of the revision has increased,
>>>>> because the commit was successful.
>>>>> http://localhost/prueba/trunk/index.html is the repository, it is not
>>>>> a working copy.
>>>>> It was a mistake to put http://localhost/prueba/index.html in the 
>>>>> previous mail.
>>>> You mentioned before that you could "svn cat 
>>>> http://localhost/prueba/trunk/index.html"; and you saw the correct updated 
>>>> version of the file. That should confirm that the repository does contain 
>>>> the changes.
>>>> If you still see the old version when you visit
>>>> http://localhost/prueba/trunk/index.html in a web browser, then
>>>> perhaps your web browser has cached the old version, and you should
>>>> clear the browser's cache. And/or try a different web browser.
>>> Or just press "Refresh" or "Ctrl+F5" or the local equivalent.
>> Oh no!!, It is not only to refresh the browser.
>> When i go to the file and see its content executing a "cat
>> /..../prueba/trunk/index.html", I get the older file that i had, this
>> is without doing a svn cat command.
>> Now, I created another local working copy and when i modified the
>> remote working copy, I could updated the local copy using svn update.
> We are not doing a very good job communicating. This is the first time you've 
> mentioned there being a remote working copy. Previously, we were talking 
> about accessing the file's repository URL in the web browser.
> Please confirm these points from above:
> * You are able to see the correct updated content by running "svn cat 
> http://localhost/prueba/trunk/index.html"; on the command line.
> * You are able to see the correct updated content by visiting 
> "http://localhost/prueba/trunk/index.html"; in a web browser whose cache has 
> been cleared.


Yes, I am able to see the correct updated content by running "svn cat
http://localhost/prueba/trunk/index.html"; on the command line.

I am able to see the content by visiting
"http://localhost/prueba/trunk/index.html";, but not like a HTML web
site, I am able to see the code HTML with the tags in plain text on a
browser whose cache has been cleared.


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