On Jan 17, 2011, at 08:31, Daniela Rivas wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Johan Corveleyn wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 9:24 PM, Daniela Rivas wrote:
>>> In the working copy I have this
>>> usuario@prueba:~/prueba3$ svn status
>>> M      trunk/index.html
>>> I modified the file index.html and i would like to update this change
>>> to the repository in another machine
>>> I am using svn, version 1.5.1 (r32289) in both server and client. I
>>> had the server in english and the client in spanish. I use debian
>>> lenny and apache2
>>> usuario@prueba:~/prueba3$ svn ci
>>> Enviando       trunk/index.html
>>> Transmitiendo contenido de archivos .
>>> Commit de la revisión 5.
>>> I am running this from the root of the working copy
>>> I am using http.
>>> I think i am missing something else
>> The above seems fine to me, from a "commit to the repository"
>> standpoint. As far as I can see, this change was successfully
>> committed to the repository. If you're not sure about that, you can
>> see the exact contents of index.html as it is in the repository with
>> the "svn cat" command:
>>    svn cat https://url/to/trunk/index.html
>> But what do you mean with "i would like to update this change to the
>> repository in another machine"? Do you mean that you want to see this
>> change in another working copy on another machine, after you update
>> that other working copy? And that's not what's happening when you
>> update that other working copy?
>> If so, you should also show us the exact command you're executing on
>> that other working copy to perform the update, and the exact output of
>> that command. Other than that, the output of "svn info" on the parent
>> dir of index.html in that other working copy would be useful
>> information.
> When I did svn cat
> I got this "svn: El servidor envió un valor de devolución inesperado
> (405 Method Not Allowed) en respuesta al requerimiento PROPFIND para
> '/trunk/index.html' "

Then it doesn't sound like that's the correct URL to your repository. Go into 
your working copy and type "svn info"; it should tell you what the repository 
URL is.

> I mean that i have the working copy and the repository in different
> machines. So the thing that I want to get is if I modify the working
> copy, get the changes in the repository too.

Of course: that's the definition of committing. If you commit successfully, 
that means the changes have been transmitted to and stored in the repository.

Are you perhaps confused by the fact that, if you look at the repository 
server's hard disk, you do not see the specific files you committed? If so, 
that is normal; Subversion stores your files in the repository, which is a kind 
of database; you won't see the individual files on the hard disk. If that's 
what you're wanting to see, then perhaps you need to read this FAQ entry:


If that's not what you're after, you need to explain in more detail exactly 
what you are expecting to see.

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