A released product needs to achieve 'true' stability in the code base, especially with regards to internals, I imagine that keeping tapestry as an Alpha/Beta allows more flexibility to modify the internals without causing waves in the community. I always have had the feeing that production releases come with an unwritten rule that any significant changes that could break/depreciate existing applications are not appreciable, whereas with an Alpha/Beta there is carte blanche and no guarantees. If this kind of 'promise' can be implied then Tapestry 5 should be ready for release and clients can invest resources with some confidence, otherwise it's better to allow Tapestry to mature and gradually achieve this type of stability... after all you are still free to use it, that's my 2 cents.


Angelo Chen wrote:
Hi Chris,

Can't agree more. T5 is stable enough to be released. if I was hesitant to
learn a unreleased T5 for my first web framework at beginning, how much more
a businese putting their project development on it? the only reason I can
think of is, maybe there is still some plans to change something in the
framework? if not, then sooner released the better, just my 2 cents,


Christian Gruber-4 wrote:
I think this merely means that T5 should release sooner than later with a smaller functionality set, and release a 5.1 with the additional features. At this point, it's part perception, etc. But if the core is stable, then 5.0-RELEASE could be compared with JSF, Wicket, etc. on a feature-for-feature basis. It wouldn't have the additional burden of "unreleased" software. I mean it's at 5.0.5 right now, which in my mind IS released... Certainly my time to market even factoring in learning-curve has improved over JSF or Struts 2.


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