Il 23/12/2009 19:48, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo ha scritto:
> Em Wed, 23 Dec 2009 16:22:49 -0200, Piero Sartini 
>> I don't like it as well - but tapestry should provide an alternative.
>> Maybe the question is if tapestry wants to be a full-stack framework
>> or just deliver some building blocks. For being a full-stack
>> framework, there is not enough functionality available. To just
>> provide building blocks, it dictates too much (javascript library,
>> markup, and so on). Of course this is just my feeling.
> I cannot speak for the project, but I think Tapestry tries to be a Web
> framework, not a full stack. At least not yet. ;)

Regarding this topics, let me remind the ML people that there are at
least two projects that tries to supply Tapestry 5 with the remaining
components needed to build a full-stack framework (or something like
that): Tynamo (formerly known as "Trails") and AppFuse. T5 can be a
"simple" framework but Tynamo and AppFuse are much more than this.
Looking at T5 from this perspective, it looks very good.

T5 should/could supply us with just the fundamental blocks and
Tynamo/AppFuse could/should do the rest. Also, it should be much easier
to manage the whole dev process in this way.

I think that what the newbie (like me) and the end-user/dev are
expecting from T5+Tynamo is something like a "Drupal on steroids": a
empty CMS (coming from a Maven archetype) that can be easily configured
(like Drupal) and extended (Drupal is a pain to modify and extend, when
used for big and complex projects). In other words, a empty system than
can be used as a good starting point for a real-world (that is: quite
complex) web application.

Such a Maven archetype should supply all of the basic building blocks of
a real-world application:
- access control (Acegi/Spring security or something like that)
- i18n/i10n and language switching
- persistance (against MySQL, for example)
- user registration
- user administration
- captcha?
- e-mail verification (send/verify)
- etc.

To the end-user should remain the responsability to de/activate every
single feature and to configure them.

Such a system, being based on a well-engineered technology like T5,
would be immensely easier to extend and modify than CMSs like Drupal and
immensely more robust.

As long as I can see, T5 and Tynamo are already evolving together in
this way. It is just a matter of time to have such a Drupal-on-steroids

As Piero said, at the moment T5 is probably enforcing some choice that
could/should be left to the end-user/dev (javascript library, markup,
etc.) but, as long as I can see, it should not be very hard to loosen
such requisites in future releases. Dojo and JQuery can already be used
together with T5 (cannot they?) and allowing the dev to use a different
mark-up should be just a matter to accept a different XML namespace (a
superset of the T5's). Am I wrong?


Alessandro Bottoni

"Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to
add but when there is no longer anything to take away."
     -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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