> Sure, but when ps shows virtual memory usage of 34 GB, I assume it's a
> memory issue, isn't it?
> P.S. (There is no tomcat involed :-) )
> >
> > Leon Rosenberg wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > sorry for OT, but since there is so much combined Java experience
> > > here, it's the fastest way of getting an answer.
> > >
> > > We have problems with 64bit java (on amd/debian64, with16GB real
> > > memory). Regardsless how much memory we allow the vm (via -Xmx, -Xms)
> > > it takes all it can (up to 34gb virtual memory, 16Gb real memory).
> > > Since we have more than one VM running on the machine  (5VMs all below
> > > 1Gb ram) we are running in an outofmemory after a day of running.
> > >
> > > Is this a bug? Are there any new undocumented switches for proper
> > > memory configuration?
After a recent update of my Etch (2.6.15-1-amd64-k8-smp )based
workstation I suddenly experience memory problems also: overnight, while
the system does nothing (other than accepting my email) my swap grows
from 0 MB to > 3 GB and the performance of the system is gone (Dual
Opteron with 4 GB RAM). Only a MS derived solution (reboot) helps.
Redeploying my JBoss application also results in a rise of usage of
swap. JBoss refuses to use more than 1 GB, the same for my Eclipse.

No solution, just a me-too post 

(BTW: do you use Sarge or Etch and which kernel?)


Joost Kraaijeveld
Askesis B.V.
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