Konstantin Kolinko,
U mentioned these steps in your mail:
1. Read documentation for AccessLogValve.
2. Use a text editor to edit server.xml file (for the global access
log) or the META-INF/context.xml file of your web application (for
your webapp's access log).
3. Restart Tomcat.
4. Read access log file and compare the value mentioned there with the
size of your uploaded file.  The value of content-length header should
be slightly more than the size of your file (because of delimiters
being added). Alternatively a browser can use
"content-encoding:chunked" header.

Can you please send me an example of how I can make these changes.


On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 10:19 PM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Sahana,
> On 8/17/12 8:33 AM, Sahana Voleti wrote:
> > I am trying to upload really large files (size about 10GB) using
> > the Apache commons upload. I have followed the steps properly,
> > increased the java heap size and the maxPostSize in tomcat (I am
> > using tomcat version 7.0.29). Also I am using Windows XP , 2GB RAM
> > machine.
> I'm curious as to why you changed your heap settings? If you are
> uploading large files, you ought to be using disk-based data caching
> so you don't need a big heap.
> What did you set your heap size to?
> - -chris
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