Also in my localhost logs in tomcat 7.0.29. It is logging like this: - - [20/Aug/2012:13:32:20 +0530] "(¬û>Ñ¿¿??«ÊR˱{fÔb²¹? æè
5í?&ºÙ³,µj\­<´?? }by*Ý?ÀB5ÅÖ8añ¹¶i?ùÇ Z;?ÐÀû#pÌ8
|7ξÒL«WXÒè¦-?Àp|wny· E?éX68Ä " 400 -

What does this indicate?


On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Sahana Voleti

> Konstantin Kolinko,
> U mentioned these steps in your mail:
> 1. Read documentation for AccessLogValve.
> 2. Use a text editor to edit server.xml file (for the global access
> log) or the META-INF/context.xml file of your web application (for
> your webapp's access log).
> 3. Restart Tomcat.
> 4. Read access log file and compare the value mentioned there with the
> size of your uploaded file.  The value of content-length header should
> be slightly more than the size of your file (because of delimiters
> being added). Alternatively a browser can use
> "content-encoding:chunked" header.
> Can you please send me an example of how I can make these changes.
> -Thanks
> Sahana
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 10:19 PM, Christopher Schultz <
>> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Sahana,
>> On 8/17/12 8:33 AM, Sahana Voleti wrote:
>> > I am trying to upload really large files (size about 10GB) using
>> > the Apache commons upload. I have followed the steps properly,
>> > increased the java heap size and the maxPostSize in tomcat (I am
>> > using tomcat version 7.0.29). Also I am using Windows XP , 2GB RAM
>> > machine.
>> I'm curious as to why you changed your heap settings? If you are
>> uploading large files, you ought to be using disk-based data caching
>> so you don't need a big heap.
>> What did you set your heap size to?
>> - -chris
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