On 01/02/2013 20:08, Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 1/31/13 8:36 PM, Zoran Avtarovski wrote:
We have a application running on the latest Tomcat7 and we are
getting a server crash or becoming unresponsive. This occur every
few days at no fixed intervals or time of day and they certainly
don't correlate to any app function ­ at least not according to the
Can you describe the "crash" in more detail? OOME? IF so, what kind
(heap or PermGen)? Lock-up (deadlock, etc)? Actual JVM crash (produces
a core dump or native stack dump)?
I would go in that direction too. Enable logs and core or stack dumps and analyze them. Be sure you are not restarting Tomcat in your crontab (i had a server which was restarted once a week and masked some memory starvation).

In my case I can tell you I had to end up disabling JaveMelody (it was provoking some side effects in our webapp as not managing international chars in the right way). If reports from Javamelody are not giving you any clue, beware that Javamelody has its own memory overhead (not much in your case but in my case it was around 200 Mb of heap in a 1 Gb virtual server).

I followed Chris directions, I got stack dumps after a server crash and analyzed it with eclipse analyzer. I realized our programmer decided to load too many objects in memory than the server could cope with. So no memory leak but bad memory management was the root cause.



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