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On 7/29/13 8:59 AM, Nick Williams wrote:
> On Jul 25, 2013, at 10:59 AM, Rainer Jung wrote:
>> On 25.07.2013 17:14, srinivas yelamanchili wrote:
>>> Hi, I installed Apache Httpd 2.4.6 and Tomcat 7.0.42 from
>>> source code (.tar.gz) on Redhat Linux and looking for
>>> documentation to enable AJP and connect Tomcat with Httpd using
>>> I have the following questions (and please let me know where I 
>>> can post the same if this email group is the not the correct 
>>> place) :
>>> 1. The 'Tomcat Connectors JK 1.2' Binary Releases at 
>>> http://tomcat.apache.org/download-connectors.cgi
>>> only seem to be available for Windows (and not for Redhat 
>>> Linux). Aren't there any binary releases for unix based
>>> systems?
>> They are very easy to build on Linux. Since there are so many 
>> distributions we currently do not provide "official" binaries.
> Slightly off-topic question: is this a resources limitation (y'all
>  don't have access to a build server with different agents running
> on different distros) or a time limitation (y'all don't have
> someone who can spend the time maintaining the builds)?

The ASF generally doesn't provide binaries for stuff. For instance, go
to httpd.apache.org and try to download a binary. Other than win32 and
Netware, it's source-only.

The Java world has the luxury of being bytecode-compatible so "binaries"
are made available for lots of Java-related projects (and these days,
most code available through the ASF is Java-based).

> If it's a resources limitation, I have a publicly-accessible
> TeamCity server with an unlimited OpenSource license hosting
> Windows 7, Mac OS X SLeopard/Lion/MLion, Debian, RedHat, and SuSE
> agents that I would be happy to donate some resources from. It's
> not very busy and would have plenty of time to run CI, SNAPSHOT,
> and RC builds for all of the platforms.

No, the problem is that there are so many different combinations of
platform, environment, etc. that it would represent an explosion of
options that would never meet everyone's needs.

Building mod_jk just isn't that difficult. The only legitimate
complaint that I have heard is that most responsible admins don't have
a build chain available on a production server. We solve that by
building on a test server and pushing the binaries out to our
production servers. Others may do other things.

I do know that Debian-based distros of Linux can install the
"libapache2-mod-jk" package, though it is often out-of-date with
respect to the currently-available version. Inexplicably, Red Hat does
not provide mod_jk binaries through their package manager. I'm not
sure about Suse and others.

- -chris
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