On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Christopher Schultz
<ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Nick,
> On 7/29/13 8:59 AM, Nick Williams wrote:
>> On Jul 25, 2013, at 10:59 AM, Rainer Jung wrote:
>>> On 25.07.2013 17:14, srinivas yelamanchili wrote:
>>>> Hi, I installed Apache Httpd 2.4.6 and Tomcat 7.0.42 from
>>>> source code (.tar.gz) on Redhat Linux and looking for
>>>> documentation to enable AJP and connect Tomcat with Httpd using
>>>> AJP/APR
>>>> I have the following questions (and please let me know where I
>>>> can post the same if this email group is the not the correct
>>>> place) :
>>>> 1. The 'Tomcat Connectors JK 1.2' Binary Releases at
>>>> http://tomcat.apache.org/download-connectors.cgi
>>>> only seem to be available for Windows (and not for Redhat
>>>> Linux). Aren't there any binary releases for unix based
>>>> systems?
>>> They are very easy to build on Linux. Since there are so many
>>> distributions we currently do not provide "official" binaries.
>> Slightly off-topic question: is this a resources limitation (y'all
>>  don't have access to a build server with different agents running
>> on different distros) or a time limitation (y'all don't have
>> someone who can spend the time maintaining the builds)?
> The ASF generally doesn't provide binaries for stuff. For instance, go
> to httpd.apache.org and try to download a binary. Other than win32 and
> Netware, it's source-only.
> The Java world has the luxury of being bytecode-compatible so "binaries"
> are made available for lots of Java-related projects (and these days,
> most code available through the ASF is Java-based).
>> If it's a resources limitation, I have a publicly-accessible
>> TeamCity server with an unlimited OpenSource license hosting
>> Windows 7, Mac OS X SLeopard/Lion/MLion, Debian, RedHat, and SuSE
>> agents that I would be happy to donate some resources from. It's
>> not very busy and would have plenty of time to run CI, SNAPSHOT,
>> and RC builds for all of the platforms.
> No, the problem is that there are so many different combinations of
> platform, environment, etc. that it would represent an explosion of
> options that would never meet everyone's needs.
> Building mod_jk just isn't that difficult. The only legitimate
> complaint that I have heard is that most responsible admins don't have
> a build chain available on a production server. We solve that by
> building on a test server and pushing the binaries out to our
> production servers. Others may do other things.
> I do know that Debian-based distros of Linux can install the
> "libapache2-mod-jk" package, though it is often out-of-date with
> respect to the currently-available version. Inexplicably, Red Hat does
> not provide mod_jk binaries through their package manager. I'm not
> sure about Suse and others.

Understood. I don't know about others, but SuSE DOES provide mod_jk in
their package manager. That's how I installed it. Even so, it's rarely
even close to up-to-date. Usually about a year or two behind.


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