2016-06-12 15:10 GMT-04:00 paul.greene.va <paul.greene...@verizon.net>:
> Daniel - sorry, this was probably confusing. What I did was install Tomcat
> 7.0.53 at *home* on a virtual server - there was nothing else installed on
> this virtual machine - no Service Manager, no apps, nothing else. I just
> wanted to see what happened when I went to install 7.0.69 over the top of
> .53; i.e. would there just be a simple "upgrade" option or not. There
> wasn't an option to "upgrade" and the install choked at one point when it
> realized there was another tomcat.exe process running and it couldn't
> overwrite the file.
> The server I need to upgrade at *work* is a perfectly functioning instance
> of Service Manager. It is working fine with no issues at the moment. I
> haven't touched anything on this server yet.
> It sounds like, from what you've said, the standard way to deploy an app
> in tomcat is via a WAR file getting dropped in the webapps directory. There
> is a sm.war file in the root of ..\webapps; if I copied that file into the
> new tomcat install webapps directory, would that install the app correctly?
> Or does a new *.war file need to be generated with a new version of tomcat?
> Service Manager itself isn't getting upgraded at this time, so if that was
> the same war file used in the last upgrade (they went from 9.33 to 9.40),
> shouldn't it work in this one too?

you do not upgrade Tomcat code, you install a second instance of Tomcat or
you delete the existing Tomcat and install the new version.

Service Manager is pretty straight forward to install. Here are the setups:

1) Install Tomcat 7.0.69
2) Configure conf/server.xml (TLS/SSL stuff, Connector, etc)
3) Start Tomcat
4) Drop the war file in webapps
5) Edit webapps/sm/WEB-INF/web.xml to reflect your installation (SM server,
etc) after the war has been installed into its directory

You are done. Check in logs/catalina.out for error messages.

There is variants in the installation. This one seems to me the simplest on
given you are telling us the war file is actually in the webapps folder.

I am a bit surprised you were told to upgrade to Tomcat 7.0.69, which
version of SM are you running on the server? We still have SM running with
Java 6 and Tomcat 6.0.24 in production with SM 9.34. We are upgrading to SM
9.41, Tomcat 8 and Java 8. So far, SM is running smoothly in all our
environments. Usually HP support whatever version of Tomcat you have,
provided it meets the minimum requirements or unless a specific bug exists
in your Tomcat version.

Daniel Savard

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