I can not use mod_cluster.  I was having some issues and posted this
question on the Fedora forums.

See the reply I got below.
Please, *do not use mod_cluster 1.2.6. *It contains severe CVEs,
performance and functional issues. If you would like to see mod_cluster
updated in Fedora, express the demand on this
(https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1247243) existing bug
feature request.

And as per Christopher Schultz 's reply I will have build mod_jk
myself.  Since I have never done any such thing I am not looking forward

On 7/21/2016 11:51 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Paul,
> On 7/20/16 12:12 PM, Paul Roubekas wrote:
> > I am trying to install the mod_jk on httpd for my tomcat 7.0.68
> > (TomEE) server.
> > I am reading this
> > https://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/webserver_howto/apache.html
> documentation which points to this
> > http://tomcat.apache.org/download-connectors.cgi download page.
> > But there is no binary download for *unix, just source?
> That's right: the ASF provides source, not binaries (in general). You
> will have to build mod_jk yourself on *NIX. The good news is that it's
> fairly easy to build yourself.
> -chris
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