> Actually my requirement is not that complex.  All I need to do is host TomEE 
> (a Tomcat 7 superset), Bugzilla and phpBB (forum software) on the same 
> server.  It is my understanding the I need httpd to do this.

TomEE can run outside of a web server (its it's on web container), but
Bugzilla and phpBB seem to require a webserver to run, so you're
correct there. If you install Bugzilla and phpBB in httpd, then it
should be accessible via http://host/bugzilla (or whatever the path
is). Tomcat would be accessible via http://host:8080/. If you wanted
tomcat to be accessible via http://host/tomcat, then you'd have to
proxy to it.

> It is also my understanding that I needed mod_jk to have the httpd route to 
> TomEE (Tomcat 7).  I have TomEE running on the server now.

Unless you only have an AJP connector on TomEE (which isn't likely)
it's probably easier/less work for you to use mod_proxy (or
mod_proxy_ajp even if you want AJP traffic) instead of mod_jk. It's
provided by the httpd package that's likely already installed. You
just need to setup ProxyPass[Reverse] rules as documented here:
I'd also suggest setting proxyName and proxyPort on your connector so
that any links generated by your application don't try and bypass the
proxy (see: 

> But TomEE gets all http traffic to the server as the architecture stands now.

Did you bind the HTTP connector in TomEE to port 80?

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:40 PM, Paul Roubekas <paul@orthogroup.holdings> wrote:
> Actually my requirement is not that complex.  All I need to do is host TomEE
> (a Tomcat 7 superset), Bugzilla and phpBB (forum software) on the same
> server.  It is my understanding the I need httpd to do this.  It is also my
> understanding that I needed mod_jk to have the httpd route to TomEE (Tomcat
> 7).  I have TomEE running on the server now.  But TomEE gets all http
> traffic to the server as the architecture stands now.
> On 7/21/2016 1:32 PM, Coty Sutherland wrote:
> Is there some reason that you can't use mod_proxy_balancer instead of
> mod_cluster (if you don't want to be vulnerable to the known CVEs)? I
> assume that you're looking for some specific logic offered by
> mod_cluster, but since you're considering mod_jk I'm not so sure. If
> you're going to learn to build something, why not build mod_cluster
> instead of mod_jk (again, assuming that you need the mod_cluster
> smarts)?
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 12:15 PM, Paul Roubekas
> <paul@orthogroup.holdings> wrote:
> I can not use mod_cluster.  I was having some issues and posted this
> (https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/91235/module-mod_proxy_balancer-is-loaded-it-must-be-removed-in-order-for-mod_proxy_cluster-to-function-properly/)
> question on the Fedora forums.
> See the reply I got below.
> Please, do not use mod_cluster 1.2.6. It contains severe CVEs, performance
> and functional issues. If you would like to see mod_cluster updated in
> Fedora, express the demand on this
> (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1247243) existing bug feature
> request.
> And as per Christopher Schultz 's reply I will have build mod_jk myself.
> Since I have never done any such thing I am not looking forward it.
> On 7/21/2016 11:51 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Paul,
> On 7/20/16 12:12 PM, Paul Roubekas wrote:
> I am trying to install the mod_jk on httpd for my tomcat 7.0.68
> (TomEE) server.
> I am reading this
> https://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/webserver_howto/apache.html
> documentation which points to this
> http://tomcat.apache.org/download-connectors.cgi download page.
> But there is no binary download for *unix, just source?
> That's right: the ASF provides source, not binaries (in general). You
> will have to build mod_jk yourself on *NIX. The good news is that it's
> fairly easy to build yourself.
> -chris
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