On 23.07.2016 02:37, Paul Roubekas wrote:
I tried going with ajp with the following configuration after reading
>the ajp documentation.
>Adding a Load module for ajp was not needed as per this message.
>apachectl configtest
>[Fri Jul 22 19:42:00.022959 2016] [so:warn] [pid 12080] AH01574:
>module proxy_ajp_module is already loaded, skipping
>With only the following changes to the default httpd.conf
>ProxyPass         /  ajp://myDomain.com:8080/MyApp
>I get the following error trying to access my servlet based web site.
>   Proxy Error
>The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
>The proxy server could not handle the request /GET /
>Reason:*DNS lookup failure for: myDomain.com*
>There is no router or upstream server.  The Fedora 23 server is
>connected to a cable modem with the routing feature turned off.  All
>internet traffic does a straight pass-through to the Fedora server.
After changing the ProxyPass config to the IP address of my Fedora
Server I now get Service Unavailable

With only the following changes to the default httpd.conf


ProxyPass         /  ajp://70.63.[redacted].[redacted]:8080/


   Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to
maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Revert you changes above (ServerName etc.)
and try with just this :

ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/MyApp
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/MyApp

8009 : is the port mentioned in the Tomcat AJP <Connector>
MyApp : is the name of the Tomcat application (the directory under /webapps/). Or if under Tomcat your application is the ROOT application, then just leave out "MyApp" above.

Reason : both Apache httpd and Apache Tomcat have some default configuration values in terms of what IP address and port they are listening on, and in terms of naming of their respective "virtual hosts". By making changes left and right there, you are interfering with these defaults, and that only makes the situation more confusing. So first let's concentrate on getting your Tomcat app to respond, and then we'll make further changes if needed, to get the exact behaviour you're after.

Note : in the standard "out-of-the-box" Tomcat configuration (in "server.xml") the AJP <Connector> is normally commented-out. Make sure that it is uncommented before starting Tomcat. And while you're at it, verify that the port it mentions is 8009. That what it is by default, and why I mentioned 8009 above.

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