On 7/22/2016 4:14 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Paul,
> On 7/21/16 5:08 PM, Paul Roubekas wrote:
> > On 7/21/2016 2:21 PM, Coty Sutherland wrote:
> >>> Actually my requirement is not that complex.  All I need to do
> >>> is host TomEE (a Tomcat 7 superset), Bugzilla and phpBB (forum
> >>> software) on the same server.  It is my understanding the I
> >>> need httpd to do this.
> >> TomEE can run outside of a web server (its it's on web
> >> container), but Bugzilla and phpBB seem to require a webserver to
> >> run, so you're correct there. If you install Bugzilla and phpBB
> >> in httpd, then it should be accessible via http://host/bugzilla
> >> (or whatever the path is). Tomcat would be accessible via
> >> http://host:8080/. If you wanted tomcat to be accessible via
> >> http://host/tomcat, then you'd have to proxy to it.
> > understood.
> >>
> >>> It is also my understanding that I needed mod_jk to have the
> >>> httpd route to TomEE (Tomcat 7).  I have TomEE running on the
> >>> server now.
> >> Unless you only have an AJP connector on TomEE (which isn't
> >> likely) it's probably easier/less work for you to use mod_proxy
> >> (or mod_proxy_ajp even if you want AJP traffic) instead of
> >> mod_jk. It's provided by the httpd package that's likely already
> >> installed. You just need to setup ProxyPass[Reverse] rules as
> >> documented here:
> >> https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_proxy.html#proxypass.
> >>
> >>
> I'd also suggest setting proxyName and proxyPort on your connector so
> >> that any links generated by your application don't try and bypass
> >> the proxy (see:
> >> https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/http.html#Common_Attr
> ibutes).
> >>
> Don't know what AJP is.  Therefore I assume it is not in use.  If my
> > understand of AJP is correct, based on a 5 minute read on
> > Wikipedia, I only have one server so there is no value in AJP for
> > me.
> If you are starting from scratch, I would recommend using mod_proxy
> for your proxying with httpd. It comes pre-built with whatever binary
> httpd distribution you got, and is arguably easier to configure.
> You can even use either HTTP or AJP as the protocol to connect httpd
> -> Tomcat. I would recommend mod_proxy_http just because it's
> basically the simplest to configure. If you want to use TLS and get
> the certificate information over to Tomcat/TomEE, it's a bit easier to
> do with AJP, but not impossible with HTTP.
I have pages that require HTTPS.
> I was just assuming you knew you wanted mod_jk and were looking for a
> binary.
> Apologies for the confusion.
No problem.
> httpd + Tomcat/TomEE is quite easy to get set up with mod_proxy_http.
> Simply:
> 1. Configure Tomcat/TomEE as usual, with an HTTP connector listening
> on some port (probably 8080 is already being used if you have the
> default configuration).
> 2. Enable mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp in httpd. You may also want
> mod_proxy_balancer if you have multiple Tomcat/TomEE nodes you want to
> use for load-balancing.
Only one server.  No load balancing at this time.
> 3. Configure a <Proxy> directive in your httpd configuration that
> looks something like this:
> ProxyPass /webappname/ http://tomcathost:8080/webappname/
> ProxyPassReverse /webappname/ http://tomcathost:8080/webappname/
I have a requirement that when a user enters /http://www.myhost.com they
get the TomEE website. That is why my configuration is as below.

ProxyPass         /  ...
ProxyPassReverse  /  ...

> Bounce httpd and hit http://httpdhost/webappname/index.jsp and your
> request should go through the reverse-proxy (that's httpd) through to
> the Tomcat/TomEE node. The "ProxyPassReverse" will re-write certain
> response HTTP header fields as they are passed-back to the client, so
> that the client will see the "outside" view of the back-end server,
> instead of the "inside view" -- that is, the client will see
> http://httpdhost/ as the base URL instead of http://tomcathost:8080/
> as the base URL.
> Write back with any questions or problems.
> Welcome to the community!
> -chris
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