On 12/01/2017 20:30, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Coty,
> On 1/11/17 12:24 PM, Coty Sutherland wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 3:14 PM, Christopher Schultz 
>> <ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
>>> +1
>> I'm glad someone is interested :)
>>> Perhaps we could have some representatives from the various 
>>> distributions give a joint presentation.
>> That would be great. I'd love to meet the other distro
>> maintainers.
> [snip]
>>> I think it would be a good idea to use some of that time to
>>> solicit feedback from the audience about what the distros could
>>> do to make things easier...
>> +1, definitely. I will to do anything that we can to drive adoption
>> of tomcat up (distro-specific versions or ASF).
> How about this: submit a topic to the Call for Papers[1] and choose
> "Panel Discussion" for the "Submission Type". If you can get some
> other maintainers coordinated, you can choose to prepare some slides
> (maybe 5 mins each) and/or come with some conversation questions to
> get things started with a panel. Open up to the audience as well. I
> suspect you'll get a good conversation going. I'll certainly be there
> unless I must be elsewhere.
>> The biggest concern that I've heard from various of the involved 
>> people (and may be a reason why other distros don't consume
>> updates as frequently) is that tomcat is not that great at
>> maintaining backwards compatibility;
> Understood.
>> I hear this complaint a lot and I get push back from packages that 
>> have dependencies on tomcat when I do push our new revision
>> updates.
> I know that some of the APR and httpd folks are absolutely rabid about
> not breaking backwards-compatibility. Perhaps we could bring them into
> the discussion to hear some of the things that they look for when
> maintaining compatibility. In the Java world, there is no
> binary-compatibility, for instance, but API compatibility is of course
> essential.
>> I don't have any specific examples that I can think of right now 
>> other than the update from 8.0 to 8.5 removing BIO.
> That's a new major release of Tomcat, though. We ought to be able to
> break whatever we want, there. I think complaints about lack of
> backward-compatibility are unwarranted in this particular case.
> For the most part, Tomcat devs tend to feel free to modify
> completely-internal APIs as necessary, but will make an effort to
> maintain backward-compatibility for semi-internal APIs. It might be a
> good exercise to identify which parts of Tomcat should be considered
> (publicly) stable and which parts are okay to modify.

You mean like we do in the RELEASE-NOTES in the root of the repo?


> Backward-compatibility is relatively easy in Java for certain things.
> Major refactorings usually don't happen in a point-release.
> -chris
> [1]
> http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-north-america/program
> /cfp
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