
> "What topic(s) need to be covered in a Tomcat conference to make it
> as easy as possible to get your employer to pay for you to attend?"

OK, you asked for it.  :-)

- The best and worst moments in Tomcat history.
Specific examples.  Memorable events.  Could be just for the year so the same 
topic with different content could be presented next year, like an episode.

- Tomcat vision roadmap.
History and plans for the future.  Respond to RFC and bug reports.  Other 

- A day in the life of a Tomcat developer/contributor.
Typical vs ideal vs worst.  Humor.  Specific examples.  Multiple presenters.

Cris Berneburg
CACI Lead Software Engineer

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas [] 
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2017 6:58 AM
Subject: TomcatCon @ ApacheCon


There is the opportunity (if we can pull it together as a community) to run a 
dedicated Tomcat conference alongside ApacheCon NA 2017. The dates are May 16 
to 18.

The call for papers closes on Feb 11 so we have around a month to get 
organised. We'll also need to convince the conference organisers that a) there 
is a demand for this and b) we have a plan.

Getting the right content is going to be critical to success. I've been 
thinking about this for a while and I think we can identify the right content 
if as many folks as possible on this list answer the following

We have up to three days and potentially multiple tracks so even if you think 
you have a niche requirement, please speak up. We typically have a number of 
Tomcat committers speaking at ApacheCon so finding someone to cover a 
particular topic shouldn't be too tricky. Equally, if you have a topic you 
could present on that you think others would find useful, speak up.

Do feel free to add your +1 if someone else mentions a topic your are 
interested first. Having an idea of how popular the topics are would also be 

Also, we don't have to stick to the standard "Sit and listen to someone present 
for 40 mins" format. Discussions, workshops, hackathons are all possible.

Some topic ideas to get the ball rolling.

Hands-on workshop: Configuring TLS with Apache Tomcat Reverse Proxying to 
Apache Tomcat Load-balancing with Apache Tomcat Clustering  with Apache Tomcat 
Tomcat Clinic (like the users list but with everyone in the same room)


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