Hans Müller wrote:
> currently I'm trying to set-up a standalone Tomcat 5.5.17 server in an IPv6
> environment on a FreeBSD 6.1 machine. Unfortunately, Tomcat refuses to
> start. Here is the relevant content of the catalina.out log-file:
> SEVERE: StandardServer.await: create[8005]:
> java.net.BindException: Can't assign requested address
> Then I looked at the particular portion of the source code which causes the
> exception and I found that the IPv4 address is actually hardcoded
> several times there (in StandardServer.java, Catalina.java and some
> others). Of course, the JVM cannot create an IPv6 address using this IPv4
> representation. Therefore I changed "" to "localhost", recompiled
> Tomcat and happily discovered that it is working now.
> BUT... since I can read everywhere that Tomcat should be IPv6 compliant,
> this code-change doesn't seem to be the real solution to me. Firtly I'm not
> the only one who is using IPv6 and secondly the developers are definitely
> not that stupid to hardcode an IPv4 address and thereby break IPv6
> compatibility. So, I'd like to ask you if there is a configuration-only way
> to solve this issue, i.e. to avoid that StandardServer is being called?

I've never had the problem you describe. I use Linux though. On my machine the 
shutdown port binds to IPv6 representation of

tcp6       0      0 ::ffff:   :::*                    LISTEN     

(I've changed the port from 8005 to 8007).

Are you using APR? If so, is IPv6 support compiled in?


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