(In reverse order)
> have you used a DB utility such as tora/toad/sqlplus to successfully 
> authenticate to your Database with the values for username and password?


> Inside struts-config.xml can you show us what you have supplied for each 
> value associated with the following properties
> <data-source 
>        type="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" key="TableName">
>  <set-property property="driverClassName" value="
>  <set-property property="url" value="
>  <set-property property="username" value="
>  <set-property property="validationQuery" value="
> </source>

<!-- ========= Data Source Configuration =========================== -->
<data-sources />
My datasources element is empty. In my reading, I discovered that this was
no longer a preferred way to set up database connections for struts (in leiu
of other connection frameworks like Spring or custom connection layers) and
was kept in place for legacy applications. (Is this not correct?)

> make SURE commons-pooling.jar, commons-dbcp.jar and 
> commons-collections.jar are in your ./WEB-INF/lib folder

None of these jar files are in either my /WEB-INF/lib folder or my
/commons/lib folders. Are these necessary for implementing connection
pooling? They are not on my development server either, yet that connection
pool seems to be working?

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