
We are building a web application with JSF. Last day I tested it with
JMeter. Results are bad (I guess).

Then I tried to send 30000 requests with JMeter to "Shuffle Example" in
Tomcat's examples directory with a limited size of (256 MB I think) memory
resource given to Tomcat. This "Shuffle Example" does not query database or
does not make complicated operations as you know; it is very simple.

Question is, what should I expect? Does it have to respond all requests? Or
is it normal to throw an exception about "Too many open files" (I use NIO
connector) and finally OutOfMemoryError and parachute-thing?

After I solve this, I can go on to JSF application testing.

I couldnt find documents enough about this issue. Can you send me some

Thanks in advance.

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