Charl Gerber schrieb:
Anything in the JkLogFile apart from the initialized

nope, that's the only message I get.

What's the URL of the request you are testing with,
and what answer do you get exactly?


(There's a default index.html configured in it)

Reply is:
Not Found
The requested URL /golfcentral was not found on this

This sounds like something send a redirect to /golfcentral, because that's not the URL you were trying to reach. You would need to find out, which component knows about /golfcentral, and why it sends a redirect.

If you want to make sure, that you are getting a redirect (I'm only stating this, I don't have a proof), then you can send the original request with a client, that does not follow a redirect and does show you the original request (e.g. curl or Firefix with the Firebug plugin).

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered
while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the

Sounds like the /golfcentral is coming from the httpd, because ErrorDocument is the name of an httpd configuration directive.

If you have any VirtualHost somewhere in your httpd
configuration, you need to put the JkMount into the VirtualHost that
handles your request.

Yes, there are virtual hosts. httpd.conf is generated
by cPanel and sayd '# DO NOT EDIT. AUTOMATICALLY

Problem is that they did not create include links for
in the virtual hosts, so I will have to edit the conf
file anyway. Do I do it for every virtual host and
then only for the virtual hosts? Or where else?

You need to understand the virtual host structure in the apache httpd. The virtual hosts should be distinguishable by IP, Port and ServerName/ServerAlias. You need to find out, which virtual host you are actually talking to.

If you've got not idea, you can put a different JkLogFile into each virtual host and set JkLogLevel in the global server to debug. Retsrat httpd, wait until the next minute and then send a request. The virtual host that handles the request should write somethin to the log file during request processing. After restart you need to wait a bit, because during restart all of them write something to their log files. Waiting a bit makes it easier to find the one, that contains the newer lines from the request handling.

If you need to put it into several VirtualHosts, ou
can also use JkMountCopy.

If you definitely don't want to care about the virtual hosts, then you can set "JkMountCopy All" in the global server (where you already have the JkWorkersFile etc.)

Caution: this does mean, that all virtual hosts forward the URLs that match the JkMount to your Tomcat.

A procedure somewhere between JkMountCopy All and putting JkMount into the virtual hosts is putting JkMount into the global part, and putting a "JkMountCopy On" into the virtual host.

In general you should really try to understand, what virtual hosts are there and what they are used for.

How? Where?
Thanks again!



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