Thanks. I will check into the comments you gave. The
Apache server was pre installed and I have no idea how
it works. Not even sure if there are virtual hosts.
Will have to check up on that.

cPanel is used to administer the account.

--- Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Charl,
> Charl Gerber schrieb:
> > OK, my
> > 
> > worker.list=worker1
> > worker.worker1.type=ajp13
> >
> > worker.worker1.port=8009
> OK
> > and in my server.xml:
> > 
> > <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3"
> > redirectPort="8443" />
> OK
> > The latter I did not add, it was there by default
> > after I installed tomcat. In fact, I didn't change
> > anything in server.xml, its the default installed
> > version. My war is deployed by just dumping the
> .war
> > in the webapps dit and I can access it using url:
> > localhost:8080/myapp/index.html
> Good.
> > No errors are reported, but my tomcat app is just
> not
> > reached via apache. The connector is still not
> > working.
> > 
> > Added mod configuration:
> > 
> > LoadModule jk_module 
> >
> > AddModule mod_jk.c
> Those seem to work, since you get the "initialized"
> message in the JkLogFile
> > JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/
> > JkShmFile /usr/local/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm
> > JkLogFile /usr/local/apache/logs/mod_jk.log
> > JkLogLevel info
> Anything in the JkLogFile apart from the initialized
> message?
> What's the URL of the request you are testing with,
> and what answer do 
> you get exactly?
> > JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
> I would remove the JkLogStampFormat (e.g. the
> default gives you 
> milliseconds or microseconds), but that's not the
> reason for your problems.
> > JkMount /myapp/* worker1
> If you have any VirtualHost somewhere in your httpd
> configuration, you 
> need to put the JkMount into the VirtualHost that
> handles your request.
> If you need to put it into several VirtualHosts, ou
> can also use 
> JkMountCopy.
> > Can anyone spot errors here? The paths are all
> valid,
> > triple-checked those.
> If the VirtualHost thing doesn't apply, raise
> JkLogLevel to debug, 
> restart httpd and send a single request. The
> JkLogFile then contains 
> detailed info about reading/parsing the config and
> about mapping your 
> request via JkMount.
> > 
> > Thanks.
> Regards,
> Rainer
> > --- Charl Gerber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> using jdk 1.6_05, Tomcat 6.0.14 and Apache
> 1.3.39.
> >>
> >> Tomcat seems to be working fine on its own, as
> does
> >> Apache. I installed the mod_jk connector
> according
> >> to
> >> documentation so much so that I eventually get
> the
> >> log
> >> message:
> >>
> >> [Tue Mar 25 21:32:19 2008] [32488:0] [info]
> >> jk_init::mod_jk.c (2706): mod_jk/1.2.26
> initialized
> >>
> >> I think the connector is fine. Accessing my
> tomcat
> >> app
> >> (running on port 8080) doesn't seem to work,
> though.
> >> I
> >> read I still have to change the server.xml of
> Tomcat
> >> and find an example:
> >>
> >> <Connector port="15409" protocol="AJP/1.3" /> 
> >>
> >> Is that all? And which port do I use? 
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance!
> >> Charl
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