Hello Christopher,

First for all, thank you for your answer :)

I understand the standart is case-sensitive URLs, but the truth is that the
customer doesn't care about standarts, and that's the case. The application
I'm working in is targeted to basic users. They simply won't be careful
about the casing of the url.

What happened in the organization I'm working when deployed applications
with case sensitive URLs in the past, is that tech support received hundreds
of telephone calls claming the application simply doesn't work. So users are
unhappy and the people of technical support are really unhappy.

So, I think the answer to 'why do I need it?' is: because the customer
really wants it :) They want it so badly that it could be a blocking issue
in the project I'm working in. They could even prescribe a change of
technology for that matter :S

Thanks again, Christopher

2008/5/22 Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hash: SHA1
> Luis,
> Luis Villa wrote:
> | I'm using IIS 6 with Tomcat 6, and I need to use case insensitive urls.
> I'm pretty sure that breaks the URI specification. The only part of the
> URI which is considered case-insensitive is the scheme (protocol).
> Since hostnames are, by definition, case-insensitive, they are also
> treated as case-insensitive.
> Since case-insensitivity is explicitly mentioned in several cases, but
> not anywhere for the remainder for the URI, it implies that the rest of
> the URI is supposed to be case-sensitive.
> See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt
> | I've been able to do it with the document part, but not with the
> | context name, so:
> |
> | http://MyDomain/index.html               <--loads
> | http://MyDomain/INDEX.html              <--loads
> | http://MYDOMAIN/INDEX.html            <--does not load !
> |
> | How could I fix this?
> Why do you need it in the first place?
> - -chris
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> =sy80
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