Luis Villa wrote:
Hello André, thanks for your answer,

My configuration is:

   - tomcat 6
   - IIS 6
   - Windows 2003 server SP1
   - tomcat connector 1.2.26

When I ask for MYAP, it doesn't appear a IIS screen, but a Tomcat error. So,
I assumed the connector was correctly deriving the requests from IIS to

And you probably then assume correctly.
In the Tomcat error page, do you see anything that shows which URL it is trying to handle, and is it the "untranslated" one ? If not in the Tomcat error page, then some Tomcat log should show which URL it is trying to process. You may have to enable the "Access Log Valve" for that. (In one Tomcat 5.5 config I have, the following is defined in the server.xml, inside the respective <Host> container :
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.FastCommonAccessLogValve"
 directory="logs"  prefix="localhost_access" suffix=".log"
 rotatable="false" pattern="common" resolveHosts="false"/>

Of course, a quick and dirty fix would probably be to modify the web.xml of your application, to match the various URIs you can get, like :
instead of
make it
(you have to verify, but I think the <url-pattern> can be repeated.)
Maybe also (since it's called "url-pattern"), this is a regexp, in which case there might be a more elegant way to specify this.


2008/6/16 André Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Luis Villa wrote:

Hello all,

I'm trying to add redirect rules to the tomcat connector. I've been
Tomcat connector documentation, and what I've done till the moment is

1.- I've created a with this content:


2.- I've added this to

      # Full path to the file


... but it only works with /MyApplication/ (the name in webapps in
Any other form (myapplication, MYAPPLICATION or MYAP) returns a 404 error.

It might be a good idea to provide a bit of detail about your
configuration, it would help the people trying to help you.
One can kind of guess from the above that you are running under Windows,
with Tomcat 6.0.14, and are using an isapi connector, thus from IIS or the
like, but it requires some effort.

I don't really know that precise environment, but I'll take a pot-shot
anyway : is it not that your rewrite rules are being run too late, and they
never see requests with /myapplication/, /MYAPPLICATION/ or /MYAP/ ?
Presumably, before they get to the isapi connector, requests go to the
front-end HTTPD server.  If that one does not know that it should redirect
/myapplication/, /MYAPPLICATION/ or /MYAP/ to the connector, then the
connector never gets to see them.
Instead, the HTTPD server will try to serve those requests itself, and
since it doesn't have those documents, respond with 404.
Does the 404 error page look like a Tomcat page, or else ?


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