
I saw your ongoing discussion, and maybe I can contribute something, but I need some more info before.

Here is what you explained before :

a) You have one site "aaa.com" to which users access this way :

user -------------------------------> tomcat aaa.com

b) and another site "bbb.com" to which users access this way :

1) static content :
user ------------------------------> Apache bbb.com
2) dynamic content :
user -----> Apache ---> mod_jk ---> tomcat bbb.com

Is it really like described above ?

I am asking all of this because there are some things in your explanation that are difficult to understand, like : if Apache and Tomcat are on the same machine, they cannot both be answering on port 80, so users must be accessing "aaa.com:8080" or something like that, no ? And if there are 2 Tomcats on different machines - or even 2 virtual servers in one Tomcat - then it does not seem possible that they are sharing one set of user credentials.

So what is the real layout ?
Is all of that running on one single server ?
Do you really have 2 separate Tomcat virtual hosts (or real separate Tomcat hosts), one for "aaa.com" and one for "bbb.com" ? or do you have one single Apache with two virtual servers "aaa.com" and "bbb.com", and one single Tomcat with a single <Host> ? Do users really go directly to Tomcat aaa.com on port 80, or do they anyway alsways go through an Apache/mod_jk to reach aaa.com ?

Other question : are the two site names really of the form "company1.com" and "company2.com" ? or is it more something like "site1.company.com" and "site2.company.com" ? (That's important because in the second case "company.com" would be a common domain, but that does not work for just "com").


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