Hi Chris

> Configuring Tomcat logging is usually easy: if you accept the default
> configuration, you get catalina.out (stdout), plus some daily-rolled
> files that are all defined in logging.properties. The logging.properties
> file contains configuration and documentation that are helpful if you're
> willing to read through it and connect point A (the named logger like
> org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/webappname])
> to the configured logger that includes a filename.

I tried asking this in other posts, but with no sucess. Can you tell
me how to get rid of all log messages in catalina.out (besides the
system.out) and just create a roteable tomcat.log?

I tried the solution at:
Which is the same as int he log4j section of the

What happens for me is that catalina.out will receive all the logs
levels as especified per application, and the tomcat.log will get as
especified in the log4j configuration in the common/classes.

Is there a way to eliminate the log4j messages in the catalina.out?

PS: sorry if I got a bit especific here, just a bit frustrated with
the log in tomcat.


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