André Warnier wrote:
if I have a webapp consistig of just a couple of classes and a WEB-INF/web.xml config file, but this web.xml file contains some parameters that are "each-client-dependent", and some customers are insisting to receive the updates as a war file, how can I achieve that ?

Someone earlier here mentioned that you could put the settings in a file outside the application, but that is not possible in this case, or is it ?
You can have web.xml parameter, e.g.

<param-value>/filesystem/path or URL or some-other-location</param-value>

And then you can retrieve parameter value, thus, read config file.
Idea is, that param-value is the same for every client/build. E.g. points to configuration file in $CATALINA_HOME/conf. So you can have one war file and client dependant configurations.

Mikolaj Rydzewski <>

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