On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 04:49:06PM -0400, Christopher Schultz wrote:

> > I was asked to set up a Tomcat's proxy server in Windows (using XP SP2). 
> Question 1: What is "Tomcat's proxy server"?

Apache Tomcat to act like a proxy server so other PCs, on the LAN, can
go through it to access the Internet. Is this not a correct way to set

> Are you talking about using another web server out in front of Tomcat?
> That would make sense given the steps you've taken:
> > 1. Installed the required latest Sun's JRE v6u13.
> > 2. Downloaded and installed 
> > http://www.archicentral.com/mirrors/apache/tomcat/tomcat-6/v6.0.18/bin/apache-tomcat-6.0.18.exe
> >  
> > (Apache Tomcat Core). 
> > 3. Saw Apache Tomcat's system tray icon. I opened it up to see its 
> > screen, but did not seeing anything about proxy.
> Tomcat does not run its own proxy or anything like that. If you want to
> run another web server in front of Tomcat, you'll have to install and
> configure /that/ web server.
> It sounds like you're trying to set up Apache httpd (which is a web
> server) so that it proxies (some?) traffic to Tomcat. Where is Tomcat
> already running? If it's already running on another box, and this new
> Windows machine is intended to be the "proxy", then your first step is
> to uninstall Tomcat. Really.
> Next, download Apache httpd (you can find it here:
> http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi). The latest version is 2.2.11. Get
> the windows binary and install it.

I thought Apache Tomcat already includes Apache.

> Now, you'll be able to find things like httpd.conf (part of Apache
> httpd). You will want to configure a module called mod_proxy_ajp or
> mod_proxy_http (use the 'ajp' one if you want to use the binary
> connector or the 'http' one is you want a plain-text connector... which
> one should you use? it depends...).
> Basically, your configuration should look like this, in httpd.conf:
> ProxyPass [path to proxy] protocol://host/remote path
> For instance, if you were running Tomcat on a server called "scratchy"
> and your web application's context path was "/itchy" and you had an HTTP
> connector running in Tomcat on port 8080, then this would be an
> appropriate setup:
> ProxyPass /itchy http://scratchy:8080/itchy
> On the other hand, if you were using the binary protocol on port 8009
> and everything else were the same, you would do this:
> ProxyPass /itchy ajp://scratchy:8009/itchy
> This should be enough to get you to ask a /lot/ of other questions. ;)
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