> > http://www.google.com/search?q=tomcat+pac+script reveal that the
> > relationships.
> If you actually took a look at what the search found, you'd see that the 
> relationship is ... nothing.  Mostly hits on a similarly confused thread from 
> a while back.

Oh. Strange results then.

> > Here is the scenario from her based on Tomcat:
> > 1. Install the latest binaries of TomCat(6.0.18)
> > http://tomcat.apache.org/download-60.cgi and use the generic setup(we
> > don't need a lot of optimizations).
> What do you intend to do with CGI on Tomcat?  httpd does that better, but 
> nothing in your requirements listed so far indicate any need for CGI.

CGI? That URL gives me download links. I downloaded 
("Core: Windows Service Installer (pgp, md5)").

> > 2. Setup Tomcat's proxy server and make sure it works on a client(needs
> > to be physically different machine than server).
> There is no "Tomcat proxy server", as we keep trying to tell you.

I know that. That is what the original request said. I was sharing to 
show what the goals were.

> > 3. Surf on the client machine with the configured Internet 
> > Explorer (IE) to use Tomcat's proxy server and see if the 
> > websites show up via Tomcat.
> There is no "Tomcat proxy server", as we keep trying to tell you.
> > 4. Create a proxy auto-config (PAC) file and set it up so that it sends
> > a proxy configuration from the tomcat server to your client machine.
> There is no "Tomcat proxy server", as we keep trying to tell you.
> > Are we confused 
> Seriously confused.  As Chris keeps pointing out, you can likely use
> httpd for this, but there are simpler solutions.  Tomcat serves no
> purpose here.

OK and thanks.
"Not to engage in the pursuit of ideas is to live like ants instead of 
men." --Mortimer J. Adler
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